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Choosing the Right Solar Storage Battery

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Any time EnTech Solutions works with a customer to gain independence and control over their energy future, our goal is to help them meet one or more of these three energy needs:

  • Highest value
  • Least expensive
  • Most reliable

As society moves from fossil fuels to more renewable options, highest value is often equated with greener or more sustainable electrons. In reality, there are benefits and challenges to every energy source. However, that cost-to-benefit balance is shifting almost daily with the emergence of new technologies and implementation strategies.

For example, one of the biggest objections to incorporating solar into an organization’s energy program has been apprehension over what happens when the sun isn’t shining at night or on cloudy days. That used to be a legitimate concern. In recent years, however, that story has changed thanks to combining solar energy with battery storage.

In a recent blog article, I shared some of the latest information on solar plus battery storage energy options. A lot goes into choosing the best battery for your solar storage, and we work closely with our customers and consider the following in researching and selecting battery options:

  • Safety
  • Price
  • Performance
  • Availability in terms of lead time
  • Company viability

From here, we consider how you will use the energy drawn from the battery. There are two basic types of off-take energy: power-centric and energy-centric. If you need a lot of energy for a short duration, a power-centric battery will be the best option. A good example of this would be a trade shop that needs to fire up high-powered equipment such as welding machines.

If you are looking to shift your energy load for more consistent energy use to avoid peak demand charges, then an energy-centric battery is the best choice. We also have the technology to hybridize your storage option to utilize both types of batteries at the same time.

Combining solar energy with modern battery storage is amping up the value of solar solutions. You no longer have to worry about what happens when the sun isn’t shining. Instead, you can appreciate the silver lining.

For more information about the benefits of solar and storage, reach out to me or another member of the EnTech Solutions team. We would be happy to help you develop and install the energy system that meets your needs today and into the future.